Monday, September 2, 2013

Use the Internet to Practise Your English

     Internet is a major tool for international communication. On the internet, massage are transferred around the world in second. This is global communication requiring a global language: English, Many people use internet for chatting or conversation. The internet's International Relay Chat service has conversation covering sport, education, art, computer, international politic, and much more. Join one of these and your will soon be having a "live to air" dialogue with 10 people from 10 different nations. To "speak" you must type in your comments, in English. Obviously, the. IRC is a good way to develop your English language skills.

       But internet has more that just IRC. Most people use internet to publish and find information. Often this is through the World Wide Web (www) The Kang Guru team uses internet's www tos find information from around the world for it's programme and magazine. The Indonesian government publishes the information in English through www. www information is thousand computers around the world and it easier transferred via satellite and telephone to home computers in Indonesia at local telephone rates. Generally the information is in English. Naturally, then the more you use the World Wide Web, the more you will improve your English reading skills.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Medical Equipment and First Aid

No one wants to be sick; it means that everybody expects to be in good health. Sometimes germs that cause disease enter the body unknown; they need a long time to go away. We cannot avoid being sick and it can happen to anyone. In this case, we should "have an umbrella before it rains". This means that we should have first aid before getting medical treatment from a doc­ tor. It may lessen the pain and prevent the germs from spreading and getting worse.

However, some people still use simple equipment. For instance, they heat a needle then they use it to remove infections; they use a smoke-filled glass to recover from stomachache; they touch their forehead to know the temperature of their body, etc. They do this because they do not have medical equipment in their house.

It is important to have medical equipment at home. It can be used by the family to give first aid to the sick. The medical equipment includes thermometer, rubber compress, scissors, tweezers, pipette, flash light, bandages, plasters, etc. A thermometer is used to know the body temperature.

On the other hand, every family should also have some medicines such as aspirin, iodine, eyedrops, and so on. These medicines sometimes seem enough for first aid. However, it is not complete without medical equipment. For example besides needing iodine for cleaning a cut, we also need bandages or plasters to cover it. Both medicine and medical equipment are necessary for first aid.

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Labuhan Sesaji, Traditional Ceremonies

     Labuhan Sesaji is held once a year. The people throw offerings to the sea to please the goddess of the South -Sea, Kanjeng Ratu Kidul. The people do it to celebrate the King of Yogyakarta's Coronation Day.

     This traditional ceremony is carried out at three places. The places are Parang Kusuma, Mount Lawu and Mount Merapi. On the last day of the ceremony at Parang Kusuma, the people leave to climb Mount Merapi and Mount Lawu to have a ceremony there.

    Tradition means beliefs or customs passing from one generation to the next. Labuhan has existed for a long time. It first happened after Raden Suto Wijoyo, the King of the Mataram Kingdom, sided with Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, the evil queen who lived in the South Sea.

    They met when Panembahan Senopati lived as a hermit at Parang Kusumo Beach. Suddenly, a beautiful girl came. She was the Evil Queen of the South Sea, Kanjeng Ratu Kidul. A handsome boy met a beautiful girl. What happened? They loved each other forever.

     In celebrating Labuhan, the people wear traditional costumes. Men wear a 'destar' hat and coat with closed collar, jas tutup'. He also carries a "keris"-a traditional weapon of the people from Yogyakarta. The woman wears a long blouse worn over the kain or skirt. The costumes are batik-both man and woman wear the same colourful batik.

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Steps to Write a Good Paper

1.    Choose the topic of your paper
Choose a topic you are interested in and you
have  adequate  information  of.  The  more  you
know about the topic you choose, the better.

2.    Identify the information sources
There   are   many   reference   sources   available
now.  They  are  encyclopedias,  books,  journals,
magazines and newspaper. Find the sources in
printed  form  from  CD-ROMS  programmes  or
from the Internet.

3.    Create an outline
Provide an outline for your paper by organizing
the information from the sources you have into
topics, subtopics, details, and sub details. Use
such as organization, such as:
I. (topic)
     A. (subtopic)
            1.  (detail)
                 a.  (sub detail)

4.    Write a rough draft
Write a rough draft of your paper using your
outline. Use numbered footnotes to acknowledge
sources from which you take quotations or major

5.    Revise the Rough Draft
Make  any  changes  to  assure  that  your  ideas
are  clearly  conveyed.  Be  sure  that  you  have
written the paper using spelling and grammar

6.    Preparing Bibliography
Make  a  list  of  all  sources  you  have  used  in
gathering   information   for   the   paper.   The
bibliography cards will help you in providing
the list of the sources.

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Rainforests as Economic Reserves

We discovered previously that rainforests are essential to our life on Earth. They also provide a rich variety of economic resources that are used all over the world. This presents countries with a serious dilemma. Rainforests are used for a number of economic purposes, ranging from agricultural to urban and industrial use. The dilemma facing many rainforest-rich countries, including Australia, is that, as these economic demands grow, the planet's rainforests are placed under increasing threat of destruction. The economic resources provided by the world's rainforests are enormous. Here are just some of the more important ones. Foods

Nearly 50 per cent of the world's food supplies originate in rainforest areas. Items that we commonly buy from the supermarket, such as bananas, pineapples,   mangoes,   peanuts,  macadamia nuts and cashews, all originated in rainforests. Many popular foods like rice, corn and maize also come from the rainforests, as do tea, coffee, cocoa and sugar.

Rainforests are becoming increasingly popular places for people to visit because they are seen as areas of wilderness and natural beauty. People take part in activities such as fishing, bush-walking, rock climbing and four-wheel driving. The overuse of rainforests for tourist activities has led governments to pass laws restricting activities in these forests. The Daintree region in northern Queensland is one area where the government has passed laws regulating rainforest activities.

Medicines and drugs
Many medicines and drugs sold by the local pharmacist come from plants that grow in rainforests. For example, medicines used for travel sickness, headaches, stomach upsets, skin diseases and leukaemia all come from the rainforests. In fact, nearly 40 per cent of all medicines sold in chemists, originate from rainforests.

Industrial and building products
Rainforests provide many products used by the community for urban development. These include timber converted into building materials for house framing, furniture, fencing, panel products and flooring. Rainforests also supply wood chips used in making cardboard, toilet tissue and the pulp used for some papers. 

Many industrial products also originate from the rainforests. Spices, rubber, oils, waxes, dyes and gums are just some examples. Even everyday products such as toothpaste, cosmetics, tyres, paints and deodorants are produced from plants growing in rainforest areas.

Sustainable development
Scientists believe that over 200,000 square kilometres of rainforest are being destroyed each year for economic purposes. Most people would acknowledge the economic importance of the world's rainforests. However, there needs to be a balance between the way we are currently using our rainforests and the future availability of these resources. This is now commonly being referred to as ecologically sustainable development.

For example, conservationists, governments and industry groups believe that timber should be harvested from forests in a sustainable way. This should be done without permanently damaging the home of other plants and animals, the soil or rivers and creeks. This is a very complex task. It involves ensuring trees that are removed from the forest which are replaced by seedlings that will form part of the new forest.

To conclude, since the rainforests are very crucial to support many aspects of our life, it is our duty to preserve them.

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Komodo Dragon

       Komodo dragon is a member of the monitor family, Varanidae. It is the world's largest living lizards. It grows to be 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighs up to 126 kg and belong to the most ancient group of lizards still alive.

        It is found mainly in the island of Komodo and on other small islands, Rinca, Padar, and Flores. The natives call the dragon, ora, or buaya darat (land crocodile).

          Komodo dragon has a long heavy tail, short, strong legs, and rough skin. It is covered with small dull, colored scales. It can sprint at up 18 km per hours, but only for short distances. When it opens its wide red moth, it shows row of teeth like the edge of a saw.

           Komodo dragons are good simmers and may swim the long distance from one island to another. Like other lizards, they swim by undulating their tails, and their legs held against their body.

           Komodo dragon is totally carnivorous. It hunts other animals during the day.
It hunts deer, wild pigs, water buffaloes, and even horses. While smaller komodos have to be content with eggs, other lizards, snakes and rodents. Komodo dragons are cannibals. The adult will prey on the young one as well as the old and sick dragons.

           Lizard digs a cave with its strong claws in the cave at night.

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hal Yang Dapat Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mendengar

Menjadi pendengar yang terlibat merupakan keterampilan komunikasi yang sangat penting untuk dimiliki. 
Coba dibayangkan jika seandainya anda berbicara didepan orang atau teman-teman anda, tetapi tak ada satu pun yang mendengarkan, Bagaimana perasaan anda dengan hal itu. Jadilah pendengar yang baik, maka anda akan mengerti cara bicara yang baik.
Setiap orang memiliki kemampuan tersendiri dalam meningkatkan tekhnik pendengaran mereka. Tetapi dengan cara baru mungkin ini adalah jalan yang berbeda. Jalan yang sudah pernah membuat orang sukses dalam mendengarkan sebelumnya.

Berikut ini merupakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mendengar :
1. Dengar baik-baik setiap orang orang yang anda temui dalam sehari
Coba pilih salah satu orang teman yang berhubungan baik, berkomitmenlah untuk mendengarkan apa yang dia bicarakan setiap bertemu dan berbicara. Kemudian lihat bagaimana cara anda mendengar, apakah sudah mengamati verbal, petunjuk vokal dan visual.
Setelah kegiatan tersebut menjadikan kebiasaan, maka kemampuan komunikasi mendengar anda menjadi lebih baik. Kemudian lanjutkanlah untuk melakukan tekhnik mendengar ini secara berturut-turut. Tidak hanya pada satu orang saja, tetapi cobalah kepada kenalan yang lain. Pekerjaan semacam ini memang tidak menghasilkan uang untuk anda, tetapi percayalah ini sangat berharga. Terutama karena anda telah menghargai orang lain yang sedang bebicara.

2. Menciptakan suasana mendengarkan yang terbuka
Poin yang ini mengajarkan diri kita untuk senantiasa terbuka dalam mendengarkan orang lain bicara, siapapun mereka coba lah rendahkan hati.

3. Tingkatkan kesabaran anda
Bersabarlah ketika seseorang sedang berbicara. Banyak orang cenderung mulai berbicara sebelum seseorang selesai berbicara. Kesabaran adalah kunci yang efektif dalam mendengarkan. Biarkan orang menyelesaikan pembicaraanya terlebih dahulu sebelum anda mulai bereaksi terhadap hal itu. Berbicara secara spontan tanpa mengetahui duduk perkara yang jelas juga dapat mengakibatkan kesalahpahaman. Hal ini tidak selalu mudah untuk menunggu sampai lawan bicara menyelesaikan kalimatnya; terutama dalam beberapa kasus atau pembicaraan yang provokatif.

4. Jaga keseimbangan
Untuk mengembangkan kemampuan mendengarkan, anda harus dapat menjaga keseimbangan antara persoalan pribadi yang anda hadapi dan memperhatikan lawan bicara anda. Menjaga keseimbangan ini membantu dalam mengembangkan hubungan yang kuat antara anda dan lawan bicara anda.

5. Memberikan umpan balik dan dengarkan secara aktif

6. Jika pembicara memang membosankan fokuslah pada isi pembicaraan

7. Tetap mengikuti bahan percakapan si pembicara.
Jangan mengganti bahan percakapan yang sedang dikemukakan orang lain sebelum dia selesai, tidak peduli apakah kita tidak sabar ingin memulai bahan percakapan baru.

8. Buatlah kesimpulan atas apa yang menjadi inti pembicaraan

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